Foundations and Frontiers – FF24

In its current form, the construction industry is not able to deliver the infrastructure and projects that are needed, when they are needed – let alone at a price that can be afforded.

The gap between the available workforce and the workforce needed is growing whilst productivity is stagnating, and costs are increasing. This is a matter of national importance that requires a coordinated national response.

Event overview

This is not your typical industry gathering. Modelled on the COP summit and the World Economic Forum, Foundations and Frontiers aims to be the first truly tripartite annual forum for senior industry leaders. It will bring together representatives from across the industry, unions and both state and federal governments while still being truly interactive, with all attendees having the opportunity to contribute and be heard.

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Event format

This one-day forum will comprise both open and exclusive discussions on four key themes: 1. What does good look like, 2. Skills and culture, 3. Financial sustainability, 4. Data-rich future. The plenary sessions will commence with keynote addresses in the style of TED talks followed by a facilitated discussion involving industry leaders.

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Why attend?

This is the opportunity to be involved in something truly groundbreaking, something that has the potential to fundamentally transform how the construction industry operates for the benefit of taxpayers, asset owners, industry and, most importantly, those who work in it. Join us at this one-of-a-kind gathering, where all the major stakeholders come together to discuss and debate the key issues facing the industry.


In the lead-up to FF24, we’re unearthing voices from every corner of the industry.

It’s an opportunity for everyone to lean in and help drive change.

There are several ways you can get involved:
1. Respond to our discussion papers and
2. Join the social movement.

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