Media Release

FF24 kicks off national construction strategy The Australian Constructors Association (ACA) has today released a report outlining the key takeaways and future directions emerging from the landmark Foundations and Frontiers (FF24) forum.

FF24 marks a significant milestone in the construction industry’s history, said ACA CEO Jon Davies.
Leaders from Australia’s construction industry come together at the Foundations and Frontiers Forum and commit to change The Australian Constructors Association (ACA) recently hosted the inaugural Foundations and Frontiers (FF24) forum, calling for industry-wide collaboration to overcome significant challenges facing the construction sector.
Final discussion paper in Foundations and Frontiers series released The final discussion paper in the Foundations and Frontiers series, focusing on enhancing productivity in the construction industry through smarter data utilisation and practical metrics has been released.
Financial sustainability Foundations and Frontiers (FF24) is drawing attention to the financial health of the construction industry today releasing its third paper to inform discussions at the Forum this August.
Future workforce discussions underway for FF24 The Australian Constructors Association (ACA) has launched its second discussion paper for the annual benchmark event for the construction industry, Foundations and Frontiers (FF24), focusing on the future workforce.
FF24 calls industry to shape the vision for construction In preparation for FF24 this August, the Australian Constructors Association has released the first discussion paper titled ‘Defining good… and how to achieve it’. Australian Constructors Association CEO Jon Davies said, “This first paper is a thought-provoking conversation starter.
New forum to mark a milestone for Australia’s construction industry The Australian Constructors Association (ACA) has today announced it will bring the equivalent of the Conference of the Parties (COP) Summit to Australia’s construction industry, revealing plans for Foundations and Frontiers (FF24) – a new tripartite construction industry forum to be held on 8 August in Sydney.